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Results found: 3
Easy Used 532nm Green Laser Line Generator
22-08-2024 10:09 Price: 42 CAD $
Offering: Construction equipment, building supplies in Canada, Hamilton ... View detailed ...
Easy Used 532nm Green Laser Line Generator

In any type of highly precise and fine line alignment, not relying on any manual labor force input, it makes a better job with operate a 532nm green laser line generator. Being made with advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech, after basic use of 16mm and 26mm diameter metal housing tube, it gets enough space leaving for tube cooling down, and ultra stable green line alignment in continuous use.

Good Experience of 50mW to 100mW 445nm Blue Laser Diode Module
02-07-2024 11:20 Price: 49 CAD $
Offering: Construction equipment, building supplies in Canada, Hamilton ... View detailed ...
Good Experience of 50mW to 100mW 445nm Blue Laser Diode Module

In any type of high precision and high speed dot indication at long work distance, it should be the best experience to operate Berlinlasers 50mW to 100mW blue laser diode module. It projects highly visible and intense blue laser beam from a 445nm blue laser diode. Cooperating with thermal emitting system and APC, ACC driving circuit board inside 16mm diameter metal housing tube, it is working well with long lasting blue laser beam and blue dot projection, and providing users the most reliable blue dot alignment source for all machinery processing works.

Certalift - Aerial Lifts
22-05-2012 00:20
Offering: Construction equipment, building supplies in Canada, Hamilton ... View detailed ...
Certalift - Aerial Lifts

Aerial lifts are mechanical devices that provide temporary access to objects at a height or inaccessible location. Certalift is a leading seller of these devices and it's for sure that you will be very much satisfied by the quality of these lifts..

Results found: 3

Canada free classified ads for Construction equipment, building supplies, Hamilton, Construction equipment, building supplies free ads Hamilton, Construction equipment, building supplies for sale Hamilton, Construction equipment, building supplies to buy in Hamilton.
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