Professional Kitchen Cabinets Refinishing and Repainting - Hamilton - Furniture for sale, Hamilton - 2789130


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Professional Kitchen Cabinets Refinishing and Repainting - Furniture for sale

Ref. number: 2789130 Updated: 24-06-2019 07:09

Offering: Furniture for sale in Canada, Hamilton

The process of refinishing kitchen cabinets requires specific skills. Although you can do it yourself, it is highly recommended to seek help from trained and experienced professionals. At Paint Core Finishes, we can help you refinish your kitchen cabinets and provide amazing results that will perfectly meet your standards. Through a combination of our strategically planned preparations and unrivalled expertise, we can offer you with the best experience when it comes to refinishing and repainting. Allow us to provide you with our exceptional service today! For additional details, kindly refer to the following information below. Paint Core Finishes 905-607-1555 Email: 2319 Dunwin Drive Unit 5, Mississauga, Ontario.

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Contact information
First name: Rade
Last name: Macura
Phone number: 905-607-1555
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